KidStart is the loyalty programme for parents designed by parents
KidStart is the loyalty programme for parents designed by parents
Earn free money back when you shop at over 2,300 retailers for your baby’s savings. They’ve helped thousands of families save millions for their children and you can join them today!
Search, shop and save!
It’s simple to save with KidStart. Search for the retailer you want to shop with on the KidStart website or app and click the ‘Shop now’ button.
Make your purchase as usual and KidStart will take care of the rest. You’ll be notified by them with the savings you’ve earned for your baby’s future. You can start whilst pregnant and before you’ve set up a savings account for them.
Save as a family!
You can invite grandparents, aunts, uncles and other loved ones to earn money back on their shopping for your children too.
Watch your savings grow!
Members who use KidStart regularly can earn up to £250 a year for free on their shopping, on everything from the weekly grocery shop to renewing insurance and booking holidays.
If you’re saving from when you’re pregnant to when your child turns 16, you could save thousands for their future!